BFusion/BFlex Was an Excellent Event

I want to take a quick few minutes and thank Bob Flynn and the rest of the team for putting on such a wonderful conference. I would have written this last night but, honestly, my brain was mush after driving home.

The entire thing was superbly organized, the facilities were absolutely top-notch, and the tracks were well-thought-out and nicely delivered. I took my brother up with me and put him through the intermediate ColdFusion track which was an introduction to Mach II taught by folks from Team Mach II. His feedback was very positive as well. While not specifically going to the conference for the Flex content, he was very impressed with the capabilities of Flex and came away with a lot of good ideas for his company.

If I had to pick a favorite session from each day, I’d have to say I enjoyed Mike Brunt‘s talk on Clustering, Administering and Tuning ColdFusion and Aaron West’s talk on Integrating Air, ColdFusion and BlazeDS. Deserving very honorable mention in the ColdFusion track however is Adam Lehman’s talk on ColdFusion Application Security.

All in all it was a great conference. I got to catch up with several people I’ve met through previous conference circuits and meet face-to-face for the first time some more folks that I regularly see on the blog/twitter scene. Of course the price absolutely couldn’t be beat either.

Keep up the good work Bob and team. I’m already looking forward to next year.

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