Dynamically Set ColdFusion ORM Datasource

I’m a relative novice using ColdFusion’s ORM features having done just one “real” project so far that took advantage of it. I’m working on an application that needs to be able to set the datasource for each request based on the URL that the customer is using to access the site.  For example, if a … Read more

Embracing "New" in ColdFusion 9

I’m not sure how I missed this before but among the long list of things added to ColdFusion 9 is the ability to create a CFC using the “New” syntax. Up until now, to create a new object from a CFC we’d use the createObject() method like so <cfset Team = createObject(“component”, “model.Team”) /></pre>Now, using … Read more

My ColdFusion Anniversary

Well, not quite yet, but since I’m going to be out of pocket the next several days, I wanted to put this out now.  Monday, March 22 will mark 10 years since I began my “journey” with ColdFusion.  That day in 2000 was my first day in a class called “Fast Track to ColdFusion”. The … Read more

Can You Code With 9 Fingers?

That’s what I’m doing today thanks to a relatively freak accident with a staple gun yesterday. I won’t bore you with the details (that would confirm what a bonehead I can be sometimes). Just suffice it to say that, it could have been a lot worse.

Be Careful With the ‘local’ Scope When Migrating from CF8 to CF9

One of the really nice “fixes” included in ColdFusion 9 from a developer’s perspective is the inclusion of an implicit “local” variable scope into which variables created within the body of a <cffunction> tag are placed by default. Previously, developers had to manually add a “var” keyword to variables that should only exist within the … Read more

ColdFusion 9 Caching Settings to Watch Out For

Like a lot of developers, I’ve got this pet project I’m working on in whatever spare time I can find between client engagements, home maintenance, family obligations, etc.  I’m using it as an opportunity to work with some of the new features of ColdFusion 9 (ORM mainly), ColdFusion Builder Beta and features in development for … Read more

Going Beyond CFPDF with iText

This week I was working on a proof-of-concept for a customer in which we wanted to extract attachments from a fillable PDF form after its submission. After trying the usual CFPDF tags, reading the documentation, and getting nowhere, we decided to try to attempt to use the iText PDF library for Java from within ColdFusion … Read more