What I'm Thankful for…

…that I made the choice to convert to the Mac platform so as to avoid having to deal with Vista! My Mom had to get a new machine this week after the processor on her old one went out.  Of course it came with Vista and, after a couple of days of futzing about with … Read more

Leopard 48 Hours In

Well, I’ve been “experiencing” Mac OS 10.5 Leopard for about 48 hours now.  After waiting so long and having this operating system so hyped up, I have to admit my reaction so far is somewhat mixed. My “experience” started off somewhat rocky.  I attempted to do an in-place upgrade in order to keep all my … Read more

Never Thought I'd Use It…

Earlier this summer when someone told me that you could hook two Macs together with a firewire cable, boot one up while holding down the “T” button and access its drive from the other like any other external firewire drive, I never actually thought I’d use it. Today, while working on one of my daughters’ … Read more

Learn Something New Every Day!

For you Mac gurus out there, this is going to sound like child’s play.  I finally took the time to figure out today how to change an icon for a particular folder (applications and files work the same way) to something other than the default.  I have a folder named ‘Projects’ under my Documents folder … Read more

Bootcamp Run-Around

I have been thinking about setting up my Macbook Pro with a Bootcamp partition ever since VMWare Fusion Beta 3 announced that you could use your Windows XP (or Vista) partition as a virtual machine.  Last week I found out that a class I’m taking at the end of July requires you to install the … Read more