Adding ModelGlue's Event API to ColdFusion Builder's Code Insight

For the last year or so, all of my ColdFusion development projects have been built using the Model-Glue MVC framework. Over time, you get to where you know the most commonly used methods that are used to interact with the framework by heart. Sometimes there are lesser-used methods that you have to go look up. … Read more

Configure FusionDebug 3 Beta for Use with Railo 3.1 on Tomcat

For the past couple of months, I’ve been running my CFML server engines (yes engines, plural) on top of Tomcat on my local development environment. This offers me, as an independent developer that works on a number of different client projects, a great deal of flexibility in matching a particular client’s production configuration.  Also lately, … Read more

My Local Web Development Environment Overhaul Pt. 6 – Version Control System

If you’ve been doing development very long, chances are you have had at least one “OH CRAP” or maybe even it’s big brother “OH S…” moments when you realized that you’d just deleted something you can’t get back, overwrote some bit of very complex code or done some similar bone-headed thing that wound up causing … Read more

My Local Web Development Environment Overhaul Pt. 3 – Application Server

This installment in my series detailing how my local web development environment is set up is going to deal with my application server setup. After visiting with several folks at the cf.Objective() conference this year, I was convinced that I needed to configure my ColdFusion 8 installation in “multi-server” mode. There are a few advantages … Read more