Party's Over…Back to Work

The Thanksgiving holiday is quickly coming to an end. I’ll have to say that working from home the 3 days before Thanksgiving was a very nice break after travelling for 9 straight weeks and having a 4-day weekend where I (almost) completely unplugged from work was even better.

The last few weeks before Thanksgiving have been pretty wild (as the next couple probably will be as well).  I’ve been working on two different projects that deal extensively with XML (one consuming web services that return XML and the other using XML to import thousands of records into a database from a legacy system).  I can definitely see where the hype of a few years ago is justified in allowing many different systems to exchange data.  However, there are times when the people developing the XML seriously get too complicated in what they’re trying to do.

I’ve also been playing with the  tag and aggregate queries from MySQL to summarize table contents for a client.  The things that you can do with the charting components are really cool.  I’m looking forward to moving some of these into small Flex apps.

Ok…enough for today.  I promise I’ll try to be better in posting in the coming weeks.

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