Two Weeks Until 360|iDev

I’m so looking forward to heading out to the 360|iDev conference in Denver in a couple of weeks (Sept 27-30). This will be my first foray in to the world of Apple Development and I’m really excited.

ColdFusion  is the technology that puts a roof over my head and is like that best friend that always makes you feel super comfortable. But, in the last few months, I’ve had this nagging urge to dabble in something different.  Call it a mid-programmer-life crisis if you want, but sometimes as I sit at my computer working, the thought crosses my mind that I want to do something new again. “Build something in Flex” my fellow Adobe-centric developer friends might say. I’ve worked a little with Flex in the past and really enjoyed it for the most part (and would really love to get to do some more work on larger projects with it) so that doesn’t really count as something new.  I thought about learning Ruby on Rails as that seems to be generating a lot of buzz lately. In the end, however, I felt like something REALLY different from what I do on a daily basis was called for.

I decided on trying my hand at iPhone development for two main reasons. One, I had an idea for an application that would actually be useful to someone besides just me. No, it won’t make me the next iPhone App Store millionaire, but it could potentially generate a few bucks a month that I wouldn’t otherwise have.  Secondly, I’ve loved my iPhone immensely since I got my first one over 2 years ago so I thought I’d try to build something that might put teensy-tiny stamp on someone else’s iPhone.

I went to the first ever 360Flex conference that Tom and John put on in San Jose, CA back in March of 2007 and, even as a first event, the content and atmosphere was incredible. They’ve learned a bunch since then with several successive events under their belts so I’m expecting this conference to be great as well. I’m especially looking forward to the entire day of “101″ hands-on stuff on Sunday before the main part of the conference kicks off on Monday. I’ve been reading up some on using the Apple development software and watching some of the iPhone development video content that’s available trying to at least start crawling before the “starting gun” goes off at the event and, I must say, it definitely fits the bill of “different”.

So, if you’re interested in iPhone development and haven’t registered, head on over to the site and get your ticket now before the price goes up again.

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