Adding ModelGlue's Event API to ColdFusion Builder's Code Insight

For the last year or so, all of my ColdFusion development projects have been built using the Model-Glue MVC framework. Over time, you get to where you know the most commonly used methods that are used to interact with the framework by heart. Sometimes there are lesser-used methods that you have to go look up. All the time (for me at least) I’m trying to find a way to write code faster and with less errors.

ColdFusion Builder has done a very nice job of providing code insight for ColdFusion tags, functions and CFC methods. This is especially true if you have a server configured in the “Servers” panel and mapped to your CF Builder project as it then will provide code insight for your own CFCs that you create on the page. However, when using Model-Glue, the “event” object is created for you and is always there. Because it’s not explicitly created on the page, CF Builder can’t provide code insight when you need to interact with it. However, it only takes a couple of settings in your project to make CF Builder aware of the event object and start providing help for it.

Here’s the process:

  • Right click on your project and choosing “Properties”.
  • In the left pane of the window that comes up, click on “ColdFusion Variable Mappings”.
  • On the right side, click the “New” button and enter the following values into the boxes: Variable Name: event | Mapped To: html.ModelGlue.gesture.eventrequest.EventContext
  • Press the “New” button and enter the following values into the boxes: Variable Name: arguments.event | Mapped To: html.ModelGlue.gesture.eventrequest.EventContext
  • Press the Apply button then the OK button

** Note that the value in the “Mapped To” box is the actual dot-notated path to the EventContext.cfc file from your CF Builder project root. I happen to have my webroot files in a folder named “html” under the project root (see screenshot #1 below).

Once you have those settings saved, any time you type “event.” or “arguments.event.” you’ll get the list of methods contained in the Event object. Of course, this doesn’t only work with Model-Glue. Any CFC that you regularly use the same name with can be configured this same way.

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