Don't You Love Those 'Lightbulb' Moments?

You ever had one of those ‘light-bulb’ moments?  I love when those come along because it usually means that something ‘clicks’ that I’ve been noodling on.  Today was one of those days. The last 3 weeks, I have been working on converting a small content management application from ‘spaghetti code’ to a Mach II application. … Read more

Learn Something New Every Day!

For you Mac gurus out there, this is going to sound like child’s play.  I finally took the time to figure out today how to change an icon for a particular folder (applications and files work the same way) to something other than the default.  I have a folder named ‘Projects’ under my Documents folder … Read more

Deploy LiveCycle Data Services 2.5 on JRun

I’ve been in Newton, MA (just outside Boston) all this week taking a couple of Flex 2 classes at the Adobe offices here.  Starting tomorrow (Thursday) we’re beginning the 2-day class called Flex 2: Data and Communications.  One of the prerequisites for the class is to have Flex Data Services (now called LiveCycle Data Services … Read more

Transformers…More Than Meets the Eye!

As part of my birthday celebrations yesterday, we dropped our kids off at my sister’s house and went to see the new movie Transformers. My sister and her husband had seen it a couple of days earlier.  I’ll quote my brother-in-law’s reactioin to the move: “WOW!” Yep, I completely agree.  What a movie. What follows … Read more

Another Year Gone By

Yep…for me another year is in the books.  Today is my 36th birthday.  We are celebrating as we have so many times before with a combined birthday get-together with my family. My sister’s birthday is July 8 (no, we weren’t almost twins, she is 5 years younger than I) so growing up we always celebrated … Read more

Bootcamp Run-Around

I have been thinking about setting up my Macbook Pro with a Bootcamp partition ever since VMWare Fusion Beta 3 announced that you could use your Windows XP (or Vista) partition as a virtual machine.  Last week I found out that a class I’m taking at the end of July requires you to install the … Read more

Orb MyCasting Rocks!

A couple of days ago I mentioned that I was in the process of setting up a home theater PC.  I decided this time to use a program called Orb to be able to access all the media on the machine remotely. The best way that I can think of to describe Orb is WOW! … Read more

Server Migration Complete

Just a quick note to mention that my blog is now running off my virtual private server at SliceHost.  My server is running Fedora Core 6, Apache 2.2 and MySQL 5.  It is using the 512MB / 20GB plan that SliceHost offers. There was some disucssion on the CFTalk list today about how bad of … Read more