My Local Web Development Environment Overhaul Pt. 1 – Overview

As I mentioned in my last post, after attending the cf.Objective() conference earlier this year, I decided that I needed to completely tear down and rebuild my local development environment. My old setup worked well enough, but there were some gotchas in the setup. So, after talking to some of the presenters and other attendees … Read more

Today is “File Not Found” Day

Those of you in the web development industry will immediately know what I’m talking about (and maybe some of the more observant web users too). Today is April 4 or 4/04 which in web parlance means “404 – File Not Found”.  Cheesy I know, but I thought it was funny when it dawned on me … Read more

The Madness Begins

It’s that time of year again.  College basketball is in the midst of conference tournaments before next week’s start of the NCAA tournament. I’m heading to Atlanta for the start of the Southeastern Conference men’s basketball tournament to cheer on my beloved Kentucky Wildcats. I’ll try to blog some photos of the next few days.

New Platform and Design (again)

I’ve decided to change my blog software to WordPress from MachBlog.  I know, I know, it’s heresy to use a PHP blog system for a ColdFusion guy, but I just didn’t have time to write the code in MachBlog for all the things I wanted to do with my blog.  Anyway, here we are.  I’ll … Read more

cfcUnit Weirdness

I’ve just spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out why my cfcUnit tests for this project I’m working on suddenly stopped working….stopped working as in DOA.  No errors, no failures, no screen output, NADA.  All the tests were running fine (and passing) yesterday when I left the office so I was … Read more